Today we are going to travel in Japan. At first, we will introduce you to sake and its production, then we will present the brewery: Morikawa Shuzo sake house and at last, a little tasting of Hakuko Grace Junmai saké.
Firstly, polishing is carried out which consists in eliminating external layers of the grain of rice. Then, polished grains are washed to remove residual dust. Then the rice undergoes a soaking in tank during which it absorbs a certain quantity of water. Rice soaked with water is then steamed. After cooking, we add the koji. It is a living organism classified between the microscopic fungus and a mold that will break the large molecules of the starch chains that will be transformed into sugars. These sugars will be fermented later in alcohol and carbon dioxide by the yeasts. Then we pass to the alcoholic fermentation that takes place between 18 and 32 days. The decision to stop the fermentation is crucial at this stage. The degree of alcohol reached is close to 20 °. Then the pressing is done to rid the mixture of its lees. Finally, the sake is put in vats for a variable period of time. Samples are taken regularly to sample the sake and evaluate their degree of refinement. The bottling is done once the time deemed opportune by the tasters.
The Morikawa sake house, founded in 1887, is ruled by Mr. Tomonori MORIKAWA, 7th of the name. It draws underground water from Mount Noro (Setonaikai National Park), extremely soft (low in minerals) but mysteriously "strong", which makes the sake products are as delicious as hot and chilled with more flavors and aromas. deeper as you taste them.
With aromas of fruits close to the grapes, with some notes of banana, coconut and cereals, this junmai-style sake has a harmonious and delicate acidity on the palate. Its deep flavors can be discovered and appreciated at different temperatures, depending on the taste of each and the dishes associated with it.